During the journey of being human upon this planet, the unenlightened personality frequently forms cords made of our own energy, into many locations. The specific mechanisms of three types of cords, into the etheric body, the physical body, or possessions, can drain our energy, or even contribute to physical discomfort, illness or pain.
Let's bring the personality self into more translucency as we also heighten luminous pure Consciousness.
Physical Body: Did you know that past emotions can become encapsulated, trapped within the energy field, and attached through energy cords into your organ systems? This situation can negatively affect the health of the body and overall well-being, leading to blockages which can manifest in myriad ways. These isolated pockets hamper the lovely state of ease which is palpable in the spiritual experience.
Etheric Body: Are you baffled as to why certain emotions keep reappearing despite your consistent efforts to resolve them? Cord attachments into the etheric body can have negative effects on well-being, preventing healthy circulating energies. People may also have negative physical experiences and a general feeling of being weighed down.
Possessions: Cords from your personality into your possessions will also be addressed during this new series. We may be attached to our possessions or cherished heirlooms, with an energy cord which consumes some of our life-force. It's easier to enjoy belongings without attachment cords.
During this four-part workshop, we will benefit from the luminous Divine Energies to support clearing cord attachments on these subjects:
Workshop A: Cords into emotional conglomerations.
Workshop B: Cords into organ systems in the body.
Workshop C: Cords into possessions or cherished items.
Workshop D: Multi-layer cord clearing for emotions and body, imbued with a Divine Mother transmission.
Workshops E through J: Advanced Program below:
With the gifts of the orchestra of vibrations of Divine Light, you'll experience the heightening of your awakening, and a more graceful release of these cord attachments, along with their components and causes.
This will be accomplished as the sublime Sacred Energies gracefully uplift and support you through compassionate, gentle inner explorations and energy healings, for:
With this focus, we're excited about these new Accelerated Awakening® training workshops targeting ten types of etheric attachments - encapsulated emotions, physical body and possessions, astrals, etc. Clearing these leaves you feeling more luminous, healthier, and happier, advancing spiritual fulfillment. You'll gain some understanding about how to facilitate these clearings in clients, students and family.
This retreat workshop series specializes in heightening your own frequency through specific cord resolution, removing additional veils to your Infinite Essence. The sacred inner work of purifying the personality self leads to the feeling of infinite completeness.
While the Vast Self does not carry yesterday’s baggage, we know that the smaller self, or personality, does carry this complicating baggage through this life and into other incarnations, until it is resolved.
"Lynette you are a Lighthouse who fanned
this Divine spark. You illuminate and honor
our path with your teachings and the
grace of your Presence."
It's not necessary for these cords or encapsulated energies to hold you back from better health and vibrancy any longer – join us for this four-part workshop as you are assisted to release these unnoticed cords, and take another step towards a brighter and more awakened future.
As cords and their causes are resolved, abiding in the True Self becomes more continual. To discover the splendor of the Vast Self is the gift of the ages, blossoming the heart's radiance and blessing your incarnation.
As you are held within the Sacred Container each month, enjoy the clear radiance that emerges within you, and thrive with your new potentials.
Advanced Program: Modules E through J
Indications of interference:
Stagnant issue for decades or lifetimes
The hamster-on-a-wheel type of pattern
Contributes to holes in the energy field which allow other's emotions in
Lowers life-force vitality and creative expression
Density contributes to physical illness
Usually observed in all compulsive or obsessive behaviors
Feeds addictive lines to shopping, sugar, substances or romance, etc
Can often be seen tied into mind or head for certain types of illness
Expand your Freedom!
This Advanced Program is one of the most significant yet for those who are on the path of spiritual growth and liberation. It is a "deep clean" of stuff you haven't yet been able to release. With the intensity of earth chaos now, it's time to purge any of your stumbling-blocks, and to grow beyond the old paradigm.
These attachments are the issues related to other influences, which tend to knock you out of the awareness of the pristine states of Clear Light and Eternity when you experience your enlightened Vast Heart, your inner Divinity.
During this next year you can learn to master the personality's tendency to recycle patterns over lifetimes, to disempower your human self, and to keep you limited.
These Advanced Modules will enable your whole historical system to become more porous in those specific areas where attachments or cords exist. Those entrenched blockages still await meeting with a skillful Presence which can locate them and free them from other influences, and escort them back to your kind Vast Heart. This type of work is quite shamanic and Lynette will multi-track with the entire group.
Characteristics of astral or old-paradigm influences:
Stagnant issue for decades or lifetimes
The hamster-on-a-wheel type of pattern
Contributes to holes in the energy field which allow other's emotions in
Lowers life-force vitality and creative expression
Density contributes to physical illness
Usually observed in all compulsive or obsessive behaviors
Feeds addictive lines to shopping, sugar, substances or romance, etc
Can often be seen tied into mind or head for certain types of illness.
Empower yourself with this targeted focus on freedom!
Lynette will assist in the completion of causal stuck-points in your energy system, and the movement of healthy Divine Light and Energy within these spaces, together with guidance, enables the releasing of contracts and unknown agreements, shedding the roots of cords and attachments to what we might call harmful structures.
This Program can be a wonderful Home-coming for multiple points of your time-stream.
Our Advanced Group will investigate and take steps to release the following attachments or cords as Lynette guides and brings in a powerful whirlwind of transmutation and Divine Energies and Light:
Module E - astrals affecting survival, relational and power chakras
Module F - discarnates affecting the entire sphere
Module G - negative vows and contracts, including past-lives
Module H - entities and other types
Module I - curses, oaths, spells, including from lineage
Module J - interference from outside sources
Lynette will be performing active movements for evolution, for certain types of astral energetics, offering you powerful liberations during this experience.
She can trace the cause back through your network of past lives/parallel lives/ancestry, and will involve you in releasing that first causal seed-point which grew into an energy plant with roots.
Have you learned everything you can from that cause? Are you ready to let go of that familiar stuckness?
Unraveling these seed-causes requires the simultaneous transmuation of the emotions which were gathered during that past-lifetime, which is usually quite graceful with this work as you're held within a Grace Field. This intensive focus and intention, with the whirlwind of shamanic healing, brings rapid liberation.
The depth of this new and freeing course can provide you with immense growth. And some initial instruction on this method will be provided for you, to enable you to begin this service with your clients or family.
The style of these workshops will be new, and different from other monthly retreats or long-term trainings (which focus on gentle experiences of contemplative healing techniques for yourself and others during Practitioner Trainings, guided invitation into your Vast Heart and soft integrations in the Grace Field with the team of beloved helpers, and the gradual relaxation into your Infinite Soul and the awakened state with weekly courses or retreats) this specific program will be quite active and participatory. Those who have previous experience with inner work and acceptance of shadow will feel an appeal to engage in this type of unwinding and active liberating, a rare skill.
Self-responsible and mature individuals will gain wonderful benefits from being courageous with this new terrain, as you are supported within the amplified Field of Grace, with pristine Clear Light, Divine Energies and the orchestra of Light, with the realms of supportive transcendent beings.
Lynette will also move other sentient or non-sentient beings into their next step, as each incarnation of energy is moving eventually towards the Source of Creation.
The willingness to change is key for this Program. Willingness to become new is very helpful. The determination and willingness to stop being stuck in anything is essential for rapid transformation. And we can include any normal ego resistances in the healings, as you come to know yourself more fully.
Are you excited about our new Accelerated Awakening® workshops? A stand-alone training (separate from this program) will be offered to professionals for questions and answers, so that you will be capable of instructing clients and students as you become proficient. You will be taught the beginning mechanics of how the attachments occur during these Modules, as you participate in your own liberation.
Enrollment size for this program is capped so there will be time for individual focused clearing for each person, as well as the powerful and focused group liberation.
Lynette will trace back to one root cause for each module topic, for every participant, always involving your awareness and presence for empowerment. In addition to the strong transformation available to the group during the guided focus portion, during the Stillness when she focuses on on one individual at a time, every other participant will share the clearings for a similar timeline experience for themselves. This is one of the blessings of a multi-dimensional Sacred Space.
Clearing Etheric Attachments - Advanced meets you exactly where you are right now, in your own healing-awakening journey.
"It was a moment stopped in time and space, everything was in the All. I experienced a glimpse of infinity like never before, I was that infinity, without any surprise or amazement. I saw my entire sphere, central channel, all the expansion of my energy field, merging while retaining its own color and vibrational sound of each level.
It was the first time that I observed the interior of my sphere move with all these undulating currents of all colors in very soft shades with pastel accents. It was wonderful and yet I remained stable with the feeling of being at home - deeply at Home."
A participant
You are welcome to join us as we move onward into the beauties of Sacred Reality, supported by incredible awakening Divine Light and Energy vibrations in countless colors and frequencies.
Prerequisite Program for the Advanced Modules 6 through 10:
Clearing Etheric Attachments Focused cord clearing - Modules 1 to 4, 2023
It's in the Store, or at the blue button on the right. Then you'll be ready for the Advanced clearings in June. Watch your monthly newsletter for additional topics.
Lynette is an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, and an instrument for deep healing and Remembering. She has trained advanced healers in deep states of Presence with intuitive, somatic methods, in several countries. Her facilitation of individuals and groups spans 36 years. Lynette's transmission of many realms of expanded Consciousness smooths the path for those interested in spiritual growth. Many dedicated students experience ever-expanding Realization of Union through this path, which is one of grounded spiritual embodiment and service.
You're welcome to join us as we advance in beautiful Sacred Reality, with the support of incredible, awakening vibrations of Light in multiple colors and frequencies.
Accelerate Your Awakening™
August 2023 to June 2024
Ten workshops in a series
This Training is currently ongoing, although the registration portion has now closed.
If you wish to purchase the first four workshops now, they are in the Store, or at the blue button below.
The workshop series will be completed in June. At that time the entire Recorded Set will be available in the Store.
We are in a time of rapid evolutionary change. It is time to shed the veils of ancestry, the illusions of culture, and the shadows of cellular memory.
Workshop Training information:
A 10-month workshop series
Lynette skillfully uses specialized, advanced techniques to identify and release your etheric attachments, leaving you feeling lighter, clearer and more energized.
A private session with her is recommended after the completion of the workshop training, to assist you in locating any not-yet-sensed cords into your physicality or emotional body, and bringing magnified Sacred Energies to facilitate more Vastness within physicality.
Your monthly newsletter contains the new beginning of a different course topic each month or a stand-alone session; please be sure you're signed up below.
It's recommended that you have a comfortable place to lie down, or sit, with a soft eye-mask, to deepen your personal experience
Like the ripples from a drop of water, infused with all colors of its surroundings, the connectors in our energy spheres are meant to fluidly move information.
These fluid ripples move easily from the body to each of your seven layers, if the pathways are open. The essential process of transforming becomes more efficient.
Emotions resolve smoothly, and thoughts readily shift, with free movement between their layers. Causal information in layers four through seven easily moves to the body, when those connectors are clear. Time-line memory resolves more efficiently.
Radiant Soul intelligence, and "The Indescribable" Essence which illuminates existence, becomes sublimely palpable. And with multi-dimensional resonance, pure Sacred Consciousness flows into the world from your heart.
"Lynette, I'm writing just to express my enormous gratitude for such an incredible gift --- yet again! I am completely awed and deeply appreciative of you and your sharings. Thank you!!!
During the cleansing I could see and feel the rain of many colored light streams followed by bliss and wholeness and expansion."
To facilitate your accelerated awakening during these intense times, Lynette offers, for the first time, a rare series of Initiatory experiences, performing a communication process for each layer of your energy field. This seven month live training will include instruction for facilitators of healing, and three mentoring sessions to aid your inner healing, comprehension and integration during this journey.
The most powerful relationship for an evolving human being is the refined communication between the layers of your own Consciousness and your form.
It's incredible to be present during the Great Shift on earth, and this training can benefit your ability to satisfy and fulfill your Life Purpose. Enjoy the blessings of Divine Grace as you increase your abilities, resulting in the vibrational waves of energy which flow from your Soul as they spread like ripples into the world.
If you feel the personal desire to grow gracefully with the potent and blissful experience of Divinity in form, you are invited to join us for this premiere series.
Join our skilled group as we advance together within the beautiful Sacred Reality of this training, with the support of incredible, awakening vibrations of Light in multiple colors and frequencies.
For those who desire to utilize these multi-dimensional techniques with clients, a bonus facilitator session will be offered for customized answers to specific questions. As a resource, Lynette offers Practitioner Q&A session on occasion by invitation to experienced practitioners, for specific questions about teaching and facilitating others.
Come, remember Union...
Accelerate Your Awakening™,
and join our global transformation!
It's recommended that you have a comfortable place to lie down, or sit, with a soft eye-mask, to deepen your personal experience.
RECORDINGS: This Training has just completed and the set of recordings is available. The Sacred Energies and the immense Initiations are fully contained in the recordings set.
RECORDED SET is in the Store, or at the blue button below. You're always welcome to message Jackie on the Connect page with queries.
"I feel like this state of Wholeness is more within me now, and the part that's left is more transparent, filmier, thinner, yet gentler and fuller, more filled with love and appreciation and lightness."
Lynette is an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, and an instrument for deep healing and Remembering. She has trained advanced healers in several countries in these deep states of transformational Presence woven together with intuitive, somatic methods.
Her facilitation of individuals and groups spans three and a half decades. Lynette's transmission of many realms of expanded Consciousness smooths the path for those interested in spiritual growth. Many dedicated students experience ever-expanding Realization of Union through this path, which is one of full embodiment.
She maintains three to four ongoing courses at any given time, to meet the varied needs of students and professional facilitators. A prolific creator of valuable training and course materials, Lynette offers around 100 different topics each year.
If the long Training Programs don't suit your needs, you're welcome to select one of her special single sessions, or a weekly evening retreat course, or a weekly ongoing inner shadow resolution course, described on the other pages of this website.
"It's been a delightful season immersed in nature and gardening for several hours each day, and I've been in a state of wonder at the immensity of the layers of intelligence in nature. To experience this luxurious absorption with Creation has been a treat.
To be in a state of continual learning is incredibly rewarding, and I bring forward more of this communion and wisdom within the Earth Mother as we resume balanced complement of courses which train (monthly on Saturday), soothe and harmonize (weekly on Thursday), and clear the inner world (weekly on Tuesday). "
Expanding Treasures & Building Skills
During these pivotal moments on the planet, I'm excited to present a new doorway with incredible skills for grounded Soul embodiment. This Advanced Program is available for graduates of the Coalescing Program.
Graduates requested an advanced level related to our previous training, The Coalescing Program, commenting on profound new skills for the merging of Soul fragments from other timelines, so a new creation is being offered. Additional cutting-edge explorations will be shared during this next level.
We begin this adventure soon, and I'll be delighted to have you join this ground-breaking experience, as your inner treasury continues to be developed.
As a refresher, the outline and intentions for the first Modules of Coalescing focus are listed below. Our group will journey beyond known skills and Consciousness, into sweetly grounded and heightened Soul experiences.
In the blossoming Realization of what it means to be the Divine Breath in human form, we will focus on the coalescence of multiple streams of awareness.
Developed for graduates of the long-term Accelerated Awakening® Coalescing Program, during this year we will develop your inner treasury.
Discovering resplendent rainbows of pure light within form, you'll be able to open, to sense yourself more fully as the Eternal Spirit which animates your form. Like the sunrise reveals wild nature, unseen during the night.
Perhaps your mind is responding to the unprecedented nature of this time we live within, with subtle stress or anxiety. As you are rooted in the present, coalescing many of your time streams into clear space now, you'll bring the felt-sense of Vast Origin more fully into your center....and then open into your Vast Becoming.
Infused with Divine Energies, these Modules invite you more fully into a responsive mind, infused with the River of Life.
Defining Coalescing: co·a·lesc·ing 1. To come or grow together into a single mass: the material that coalesced to form stars.
Two private sessions with Lynette during the live Advanced Program are included, so you can maximize your personal growth as a person, and refine your abilities as a facilitator of spiritual growth for others.
Accelerated Awakening® invites you to a Training Program for coalescing many levels of self, including techniques to share with your clients.
The Advanced Coalescing Program is now completed and is available in the Store. You're welcome to purchase the recordings after you have completed the Prerequisite foundation Coalescing Program on this page, below.
The Divine Energies and Transmissions of Activations are fully contained in these evergreen recordings.
"Lynette is a pure servant of the heart. Her light is so obvious. She is a living angel who works so gracefully in supporting others to express their radiance. To be in her presence is truly enough."
Michael S., DC, GA
Lynette is an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, and an instrument for deep healing and Remembering. She has trained advanced healers in deep states of Presence with intuitive, somatic methods, in several countries. Her facilitation of individuals and groups spans more than three decades. Lynette's transmission of many realms of expanded Consciousness smooths the path for those interested in spiritual growth. Many dedicated students experience ever-expanding Realization of Union through this path, which is one of grounded spiritual embodiment and service.
9 Module Program
*PREREQUISITE: Completion of the previous Coalescing recordings is the recommended prerequisite to this Advanced Program. Please purchase those recordings in the Store, and when you've completed them you may message Jackie on the Connect page to arrange for the payment and receipt of this Advanced Program. The blue button below is the purchase site.
In the blossoming Realization of what it means to be the Divine Breath in human form, we will focus on the coalescence of multiple streams of awareness.
Developed for seekers in the personal and spiritual growth path, and experienced graduates of long-term Accelerated Awakening® trainings alike, during this Program we will develop your inner treasury.
Discovering resplendent rainbows of pure light within form, you'll be able to open, to sense yourself more fully as the Eternal Spirit which animates your form. Like the sunrise reveals wild nature, unseen during the night.
Perhaps your mind is responding to the unprecedented nature of this time we live within, with subtle stress or anxiety. As you are rooted in the present, coalescing many of your time streams into clear space now, you'll bring the felt-sense of Vast Origin more fully into your center....and then open into your Vast Becoming.
During the lengthy process of awakening, one of the tasks is to recognize the difference between harmful and helpful influences, whether they be physical or mental. Distinguishing purveyors of light and dark regardless of the coverings they wear.
As humanity goes through this passage of an old paradigm fading away and becoming more visible on the surface as it deconstructs, devote yourself to your selective inner beacon of pure Truth, responsive in accordance with Divine Unfolding. This places you in the flow of innovation, creativity and limitless possibilities.
Open to the genuine experience of "the Sacred Evolving as you" as you explore the Eternal within this seven-month training.
Infused with Divine Energies, these Modules invite you more fully into a responsive mind, infused with the River of Life.
Defining Coalescing: co·a·lesc·ing 1. To come or grow together into a single mass: the material that coalesced to form stars.
Accelerated Awakening® invites you to a Training Program for coalescing many levels of self, including techniques to share with your clients.
Two private sessions with Lynette during this Program are included, so you can maximize your personal growth as a person, and refine your abilities as a facilitator of spiritual growth for others.
Lynette's voice gently transports the mind into an ethereal space that feels spiritually familiar, wrapped in an enchanting field of Transmissions.
7 Module Program:
In multiple types of trainings and inner contemplations, we have covered a wide array of topics experientially, including both self-healing techniques, and techniques for professionals in the healing arts. Additional Programs are available in addition to the ones in the Store. Contact Jackie for further information.
Come, remember Union...
Accelerate Your Awakening™,
and join our global transformation!
It's recommended that you have a comfortable place to lie down, or sit, with a soft eye-mask, to deepen your personal experience.
This 7-Module Program has been completed. The Divine Energies and Activations are fully contained in the recordings. The educational experience in the recorded Coalescing set is available in the Store, or at the blue button below.
"The liberation was wonderful to experience and the resulting well-being is simply Divine.
Honored to evolve with you!."
It's recommended that you purchase a single session or a short course in the Store to more efficiently comprehend the types of references we use, although you will be able to grasp them by repeating your Coalescing Recorded set a second time.
This is a highly valuable Program for everyone, utilizing felt-sense states of Consciousness and developing new possibilities.
Lynette is an experienced group facilitator and guide of spiritual awakening who has shared in many countries. She is masterful in tracking energetic causation in the energy field, and a beloved teacher of healing methods. Her teachings can benefit beginning students as well as highly accomplished professionals in the healing arts.
During seminars, trainings and online courses, enjoy contemplative healing processes with profound spiritual energies, facilitation into experiences of awakened states of consciousness, practical mentoring for deepening your relationship with Life, and receive useful guidance for living meditation. Combine your personal inner growth with building skills, to facilitate others as you become an expansive Presence for healing.
If you are currently a healing professional, and desire advanced training or certification in energy healing facilitation, or are a spiritual explorer interested in personal development, please sign up for the newsletter on the base of this page, to receive the newest information for our ongoing programs.
Occasionally Lynette offers a stand-alone session so that new participants can experience the inner work and sacred vibration, and choose the program which bests suits your growth.
If you are an experienced spiritual explorer and feel an inner calling for this Program, purchase a small set of recordings and engage with them first, to comprehend the unique basic terms and layers of Consciousness which Lynette uses, as we move through during this training. Then contact Jackie at the office (see the Connect page) for more information, and she'll set up the direct purchase for this Program.
The full sets of recordings for our regular courses previous to 2017 can be purchased; many are listed in the Store.
A Sublime Spiritual Development Program
Accelerated Awakening® offers a major program in personal, ever-deepening development for those who are experienced with spiritual exploration.
This may be the most pivotal year of your lifetime, as well as the most transformative year over many of your previous existences.
Lynette views this moment as offering the most incredible passage for the growth of conscious evolution. For billions of years, the birthing of all types of life has occurred in this universe, and you had the privilege of being born here as a result.
Now, as the dance of evolving consciousness is speeding up, this window of time offers incredible new birth in the midst of dying old systems. There is a flood of light that is fueling growth and change.
When you feel across countless lifetimes to who you currently are, what stands out as most important to you, for your own growth?
Growth opportunities are sometimes felt as unsettling or confusing, and as you navigate a changing world, you can rapidly and more gracefully transform within our new training, Wings of Freedom.
Wings of Freedom is a wonderful vehicle for upgrading your vessel.
During our nine Modules, there will be a focus on:
Lynette will assist you in refining spiritually elegant ways of moving "through the eye of the needle" and developing transcendent groundedness.
We'll explore and disassemble outworn patterns with the Transmissions of Grace, as you recreate yourself in the power and freedom which is inherent in your Soul.
As the path in front of you is smoothed, you'll begin to comprehend the meaning of "The Tree of Knowledge and Evil" and with these essential insights, lift your understanding to new heights.
We'll cultivate the felt-sensing of the deep and inherent wholeness at the core of reality, with deep joy opening new vistas of transcendent perspective.
As you extend your tactile, visceral sensing skills through these initiations, we'll bring clearings to where you are influenced by the constructed patriarchal model. This opens new pathways for the new Divine Alchemy to create pure emanations of male and female energies.
During these nine Modules, discover more areas of healing any stubborn baggage from the past. As you are held within the sheltering Program, it is through relaxing the mechanisms of the personality that the immense Eternal Light within your being becomes more visible.
The delicious feeling of heaven on earth, in your own perceptions and senses, can be more easily created outwardly as you continue to lighten past influences and bask in the incredible joy of your Spirit.
We will experientially develop your growth during this Program related to rooted resting in equanimity. We'll also expand your natural radiance and build your willingness to inhabit body and world in a deeper way.
There is a sublime gate into an indescribable essence of being which many of you know well. Now we develop the concentric levels of these magnificent states, through initiation and guidance.
You'll receive navigation and guidance from someone who knows the way.
As these Modules layer upon one another, you'll expand during precise journeys while immersed in the Sacred Energies, the gifts of Grace which bring blessed ease to the process.
You're invited to grow within these uplifting streams of restorative energies from the realm of Pure Consciousness, while you partake from the treasure troves of transcendent experiential knowledge.
This Wings of Freedom Program has been designed for those who have a deep interest in full awakening and spiritual embodiment during this lifetime.
If you truly want to engage with the potency and wonder of these times, and know the transcendental meaning of what is emerging, this Program is for you.
It's recommended that you have a comfortable place to lie down, or sit, with a soft eye-mask, to deepen your personal experience.
Lynette's voice gently transports the mind into an ethereal space that feels spiritually familiar, wrapped in an enchanting field of Transmissions.
The Sacred Energies of this Program, as well as Initiatory Light, are contained in the Recordings Set. You may purchase it for $630 by messaging Jackie at the Connect page, or at the bottom of this page.
"Lynette is a pure servant of the heart. Her light is so obvious. She is a living angel who works so gracefully in supporting others to express their radiance. To be in her presence is truly enough."
Michael S., DC, GA
Lynette is an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, and an instrument for deep healing and Remembering. She has trained advanced healers in deep states of Presence with intuitive, somatic methods, in several countries. Her facilitation of individuals and groups spans three decades. Lynette's transmission of many realms of expanded Consciousness smooths the path for those interested in spiritual growth. Many dedicated students experience ever-expanding Realization of Union through this path, which is one of grounded spiritual embodiment and service.
She maintains three to four ongoing courses at any given time, to meet the varied needs of students. A prolific creator of valuable training and course materials, Lynette offers around 100 different topics each year.
*PREREQUISITE: Previous clearing work with Lynette is a prerequisite to the live Program.
If you are an experienced spiritual explorer and feel an inner calling for this Program, we suggest that you purchase a small set of recordings and engage with them first, to comprehend the unique basic terms and layers of Consciousness which Lynette uses, before you move through this Wings of Freedom Training. Then contact Jackie at the office (see the Connect page) for more information, and she'll set up the direct purchase for this Program..
9 Module Program
A Splendid New Training Program
A 12 Workshop Video and Audio Training Program geared towards skilled practitioners.
This 12 month Training Program has been tailored for experienced inner personal growth practitioners, as well as healers, practitioners and teachers in the field of facilitating and healing clients and students.
The Accelerated Awakening® new training program on Alchemical Processes and Methods is being offered to those who wish to heal themselves, or facilitate others in their healing journey.
"I am filled with an indescribable fullness dear Lynette.
You are truly a blessing for us, for the world, and I am blessed to have crossed and followed your path. I am filled.
- Healer certification graduate
Whether you seek to:
I warmly welcome you to join this group for a gently transformative,
spiritually awakening, and life-enhancing training.
We are soon beginning an exciting new adventure in facilitation and alchemical
training methods! I am joyfully anticipating being with you for our new 12-month journey
together, introducing you to pioneering depths of spiritual Being, increased
gladness in your daily life, and the ability to utilize these potent alchemical methods.
Like all of my experiential trainings, this Program heals the healers first. It will assist you in
unraveling historical beliefs, liberating deep-seated soul issues, and enabling you to live
a more magnificent and fulfilling life.
"Wow a very great feeling of strength, powerful connection with the very great depth of Mother Earth. It was sublime."
This powerful live course was created for experienced professionals in the healing arts. It will also be useful and comprehensible to those who have participated in some Accelerated Awakening® healing work to understand the terms and resonance states. If you desire to magnify and explore inner growth, this Program is for you.
In this new Training, we will learn and grow together for a full year and delve into powerful healing methods for self and others.
The philosophy and wisdom that I have developed over decades of study, practice, teaching and observation, contribute to this belief - the most important factor in facilitating the healing process, is for the guide to reside in deep internal peace, cultivated over time with clarifying personality work, together with a welcoming attitude and sacred awareness.
So, as we develop your abilities as a facilitator, and expand the peace within, it is from this sublime expanse of the spacious heart that your healing presence is extended to your private practice. All methods and skills rest within the base of this inner clarity; the translucence of the ego, and the relaxation within the facilitator.
This Program will contribute to this personality translucence as we bring direct healing to the areas which are being mastered. As we journey beyond other modalities, this work rises into direct felt-sensing mastery of the subtle realms, and the ability to locate and transmit the spectrum of light and energy available to human beings. We will explore several unique levels in the Divine Mysteries.
The resolution and unification of dualities is a topic of interest to everyone, since we're witnessing so much polarization in the world. During this program we'll enter the next level of your existing skills in unifying opposites. You'll learn how to alchemically process these polarities in a very effective way, both for yourself and for others, and become more proficient at living in this state of neutrality and spaciousness in daily life.
You're invited to a deeper and heartfelt experience of your spacious Divine nature, a lovely community of growing individuals, and the skills and expertise to facilitate your clients in life-changing ways.
Some participants will be taking the training to learn how to more deeply heal themselves and enlighten their consciousness, instead of working with others; in this case, working on a friend may be counted as the practice sessions. This is done to heighten intuition and internal sense abilities. To gain a thorough felt-understanding of a healing presence applies to internal growth, as well as your work with loved ones or clients.
"I am so grateful for you in my life; you have enriched my being in innumerable ways. The Sacred Energy Medicine training was an axis for life-long change at a very advanced level."
- a Program graduate
Remember that this Program is filled with powerful and transformative personal energy transformation and evolution. Allow the new integrations to occur - walk or sit in nature, drink plenty of water, do gentle movement or stretches, and rest. Give yourself the gift of a few hours to relax and integrate after each workshop. It will be helpful for you to understand the changes within yourself as your clients and students will experience similar transformation.
A Monday evening 6-month training in personal and spiritual growth.
Exploring heightened states of true presence, touching Divine Presence.
During our Monday evening course obtain training - together with the power of personal experience - in 16 facets of attitudinal healing presence.
Whether you utilize these skills in your personal spiritual growth, or with clients, this information and the weekly healing sessions will enhance your ability to flow in peaceful enjoyment of life within yourself.
Perhaps you live in vast wonder and spiritual connection, and would like to increase your skills in inter-personal connection, or in working with others.
Perhaps you wonder why the incredible and vast states of spiritual Realization seem to disappear, or fade to the background instead of being the primacy of your experience.
This course will teach you how to develop attitudinal skill through 16 pathways, so that returning to the spacious state if you stray, becomes close to second nature.
For your personal development, we will include a healing focus on your power-love connector, halfway between your power/will chakra and your heart/love chakra.
Your direct experience of your Eternal True Nature helps to heal the misperceptions, wounds and strictures of past experiences, so we will continue our tradition of Sacred Transmissions in deep Stillness after the contemplative exploration on a enlightening facet of inner experience.
Lynette will transmit high frequencies of Light to support your experience of awakening and building these skills.
Sixteen facets of skill awareness will be introduced (attitudes-towards-self-and-others) as you build expansive capacities during these six months together.
During this dedicated inner training, immersed in Divine Energies, you can discover great gifts as the educational and experiential training develops your skill in these multi-facets of Presence.
In gratitude for this healing balm and the Grace that frees, at the end of each session we will offer refined Soul Presence to the world.
You're welcome to join in this graceful growth.
This Training has completed, and the Recordings set, with the "evergreen" Divine Energies included, is available for purchase. in the Store or at the blue button below.
There is no Prerequisite. Recordings contain the Divine Energy transmissions.
"I feel like significant changes have occurred for me. As always, I'm VERY grateful to you for all you've provided....for me and for the world!!
I feel like this state of Wholeness is more with me now, that the part that's left (and yeah there's a lot) is more transparent, filmier, thinner, yet gentler and fuller, more filled with love and appreciation and lightness. Many many thanks to you for your extraordinary gifts to the world!!!! I feel so fortunate to be a recipient of them."
Sacred Energy Medicine Graduate Program:
The original 2006 long-term Training Program from Accelerated Awakening® with Lynette personally leading the intensive healer's training. It has been held in four locations. Modules include personal growth during workshops, together instruction in precise skills for the energy field, and openings into new states of Consciousness. The program consisted of three-day weekends, meeting six times per year, as well as telephone conferences and mentoring in between. Practice sessions and reports were required. If you are currently interested in this Program, please contact Jackie at the office for future scheduling or hosting at your location.
In addition to the Training Program Recorded Sets on this website page from 2017 to 2023, there are eight additional long-term Trainings (2008 to 2016) which will be offered as sets of recordings in the near future. Each one offers effective methods to facilitate yourself and others in all levels of growth.
Ongoing topics of interest are continually offered in weekly or monthly formats for personal growth.
Please be sure you're on the email list for the monthly newsletter, if you feel drawn to this combination of spiritual and personal growth, together with skill building. Accelerate Your Awakening℠
Your information is completely private with us.
Accelerate Your Awakening™, Accelerate Awakening™, Accelerating Awakening™, Awakening Acceleration™, Awakening Accelerator™ and Lie down and Awaken!™ are our established trademarks. First use - 2006.
The site content is for educational personal and spiritual growth purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. This work is not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. It complements all other modalities.
Accelerated Awakening℠, Accelerate Your Awakening℠, Accelerate Awakening℠, Accelerating Awakening℠, Awakening Acceleration℠ Awakening Accelerator℠ and Lie down and Awaken!℠ are our established service marks. Thank you for your respect.
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