The current series is at the top of this page. You're welcome to register by emailing Jackie using the Contact Form at the bottom of the page if you prefer, or pay for the first month in the store for open courses. We'll send you the live access.
You may also order any of the selected recorded sets from previous series listed underneath on the page; some are in the Store, and you may also email Jackie on the office contact form for purchase if you wish.
During the journey of being human upon this planet, the unenlightened personality frequently forms cords made of our own energy, into many locations. The specific mechanisms of three types of cords, into the etheric body, the physical body, or possessions, can drain our energy, or even contribute to physical discomfort, illness or pain.
Let's bring the personality self into more translucency as we also heighten luminous pure Consciousness.
Physical Body: Did you know that past emotions can become encapsulated, trapped within the energy field, and attached through energy cords into your organ systems? This situation can negatively affect the health of the body and overall well-being, leading to blockages which can manifest in myriad ways. These isolated pockets hamper the lovely state of ease which is palpable in the spiritual experience.
Etheric Body: Are you baffled as to why certain emotions keep reappearing despite your consistent efforts to resolve them? Cord attachments into the etheric body can have negative effects on well-being, preventing healthy circulating energies. People may also have negative physical experiences and a general feeling of being weighed down.
Possessions: Cords from your personality into your possessions will also be addressed during this new series. We may be attached to our possessions or cherished heirlooms, with an energy cord which consumes some of our life-force. It's easier to enjoy belongings without attachment cords.
During this four-part workshop, we will benefit from the luminous Divine Energies to support clearing cord attachments on these subjects:
Workshop 1: Cords into emotional conglomerations.
Workshop 2: Cords into organ systems in the body.
Workshop 3: Cords into possessions or cherished items.
Workshop 4: Multi-layer cord clearing for emotions and body, imbued with a Divine Mother transmission.
With the gifts of the orchestra of vibrations of Divine Light, you'll experience the heightening of your awakening, and a more graceful release of these cord attachments, along with their components and causes.
This will be accomplished as the sublime Sacred Energies gracefully uplift and support you through compassionate, gentle inner explorations and energy healings, for:
With this focus, we're excited about these new Accelerated Awakening®
workshops targeting three types of etheric attachments - encapsulated emotions, physical body and possessions. Clearing these leaves you feeling more luminous, healthier, and happier, advancing spiritual fulfillment.
This retreat workshop series specializes in heightening your own frequency through specific cord resolution, removing additional veils to your Infinite Essence. The sacred inner work of purifying the personality self leads to the feeling of infinite completeness.
While the Vast Self does not carry yesterday’s baggage, we know that the smaller self, or personality, does carry this complicating baggage through this life and into other incarnations, until it is resolved.
"Lynette you are a Lighthouse who fanned
this Divine spark. You illuminate and honor
our path with your teachings and the
grace of your Presence."
It's not necessary for these cords or encapsulated energies to hold you back from better health and vibrancy any longer – join us for this four-part workshop as you are assisted to release these unnoticed cords, and take another step towards a brighter and more awakened future.
As cords and their causes are resolved, abiding in the True Self becomes more continual. To discover the splendor of the Vast Self is the gift of the ages, blossoming the heart's radiance and blessing your incarnation.
You're welcome to join us as we advance in beautiful Sacred Reality, with the support of incredible, awakening vibrations of Light in multiple colors and frequencies.
Please contact Jackie at the Connect page, or see the Store to purchase directly.
Retreat Series information:
Four workshops & one private session
A 4-month workshop series
Lynette skillfully uses specialized, advanced techniques to identify and release your etheric attachments, leaving you feeling lighter, clearer and more energized.
A private session with her is included after the third workshop, to assist you in locating any not-yet-sensed cords into your physicality or emotional body, and bringing magnified Sacred Energies to facilitate more Vastness within physicality.
As you are held within the Sacred Container each month, enjoy the clear radiance that emerges within you, and thrive with your new potentials...
Your monthly newsletter contain a personal invitation for established students offering new series; please be sure you're signed up below.
It's recommended that you have a comfortable place to lie down, or sit, with a soft eye-mask, to deepen your personal experience
Special potentizing for your Crown Chakra.
Initially releasing attachments and cords, then receiving Crown Initiations...developing your own Halo of Light.
As we observe the winds blowing the colorful leaves from their branches, playfully swirling as they journey to the ground, we honor the immense gifts that the nature realm provides to us.
As a young child, I enjoyed a unique communion with nature, especially the wild spaces, and recently I have become even more enchanted with the bounty and indescribable teachings the living world provides. There has been less teaching during this past year as I've invested time and presence in the delightful realm of the intelligence of nature. To be in the flow of nature's evolution is incredibly interesting, and I hope you, too, are discovering new delights and wisdom in nature.
In this landscape of global uncertainty which we all dwell within, we observe concerns about nature's changes in the future. We can also sense into the lighter reality which is naturally emerging, seeded long ago and nurtured by faithful hearts.
In a disrupted world, as we shine our incredible Lights, it is essential to resolve cords or memories which interfere with our intrinsic radiance.
For those who are devoted to the path of spiritual Remembering, and bringing it into this world, monthly on Saturdays we will focus on developing the Halo of Light, unlocking locks and releasing attachments, which dim the radiance of your Eternal Self.
Mastery of the subtle mechanisms which create attachments and entanglements is essential for each person in the spiritual enlightenment journey. Unknown cords can be intertwined with subtle abandonments, rejections and hurts, which can be healed, and the entanglements released.
Surrendering into Divine Mystery, relinquish attachments
Receive nourishment from the Source of eternal sustenance
Develop a fulfilling relationship with this Source
Receive blessings from the realms of the saints
Discover increased wisdom in choices
The shadow parts of self cannot comprehend multi-dimensional states. These limitations can inhibit the blossoming of the crown chakra and the beams of light around the head. Loving these shadow or unknown parts, unraveling their constraints, cords and attachments, is one of our goals during this series.
When there is a feeling of emptiness in an inner child, or a past life, it can feel like there is a lack of the wellspring of nourishment and joy deep within one's own Spirit. We will encompass these places of stuckness or shadow, resulting in your relaxing more deeply into a state of Being that is lovingly nourished by your Great Heart.
There is exquisite freedom in releasing entanglement with the old way of being, dematerializing the stagnant pools within your energy field and extensive history. Through opening portals of exploratory consciousness and vast resources of Divine Realms, we will progress into a greater felt-sense state of liberation.
It's recommended that you have a comfortable place to lie down, or sit, with a soft eye-mask, to deepen your personal experience.
One workshop retreat each month for four months.
To purchase this package of four recordings for this series, please contact Jackie at the Connect page.
These sessions contain a spiritual journey with gentle guidance, inner exploration, and spiritual transmissions during each session.
Saturday Series information:
During this series it will be important that you ground yourself in the physical world, with movement, stretching, walking in nature, dancing, swimming, etc. Activity will strengthen the Crown Initiations.
Each one of you is acknowledged for creating connection and facilitating healing and peace in your communities through your unity and kindness to your neighbors, your groups, your writing, your practice, your family - the shared caring which makes possible a new and innovative future.
Accelerated Awakening is glad to present a contemplative three-part monthly series. In the intensity of the world today, the first three chakras can respond to environmental changes and outer stresses by stagnating your creative life force, which in a healthy system pulses up and down the central channel.
There can be chakra imprints locked in a time capsule of the past, which can create dysfunction in the vertical power current, or central channel. These imprints affect your current life in ways you may or may not recognize. When time is encapsulated in a chakra, unconscious fears or memories have yet to be healed and resolved, because they're separated within this capsule, from the light and consciousness which naturally flows from the Vast Heart.
The road map for increasing the expansion of transcendent wisdom is found in the screens which cover these chakras. In this 3-part series, we'll bring powerful resolutions of the past, working with the screens on the first, second and third chakras, and bring the loving presence of clear healing light into any time capsules contained within the chakra.
Resting in Radiant Light, you'll be nurtured and animated with the vitality of Divine Light and Wisdom.
Lynette will guide you during the verbal portion to participate in the release in the layers of your aura which affect the power, connection or survival chakra. During the last half of the session, you can relax into loving Stillness as the Divine Energies enhance the deep cleansing and healing,
As you are held within the Sacred Container each month, enjoy the clear radiance that emerges within you, and thrive with your new potentials.
Retreat Series information:
One Saturday workshop per month for 3 months.
Each one of you is acknowledged for creating connection and facilitating healing and peace in your communities through your unity and kindness to your neighbors, your groups, your writing, your practice, your family - the shared caring which makes possible a new and innovative future.
Awakening Accelerator™ is pleased to present another topic for our monthly remote gatherings as we dive into the immensity of the incredible beauty which flows through Creation, which forms all, and which is your True Nature. Each topic is guided by Lynette over the telephone, before we enter a period of Stillness to feel the transformative effects of the Grace Field that she transmits.
It is an interesting, if sometimes bewildering journey from the dark night of forgetting one's Eternal Nature, through the pitfalls of spiritual disillusionment, the peak experiences, the valleys of ego clearing, and then into the clear light of the experiences of vast Realization and Oneness. When proceeding into embodied awakening and the continual and full enlightening communion with Life, it can be helpful to have the gentle guidance and the Sacred Transmissions from one who has walked this path and remembered True Nature in the midst of life.
Each person has a unique path on the Soul's journey of emergence within the human being.
Having shared this work in eight countries, your facilitator has a wealth of experience from her own experience in awakening and through observing students in their rapid journeys of growth. Lynette understands that the most integrated path is one which is gradual, which combines the inner world, the subtle worlds, the ascent together with the descent, and thus this path is for those who are dedicated to deeply embodying Spirit.
Your self identity, or ego structure, is created primarily in the first seven years of experience; from thoughts, fears, beliefs, sense of identity, perceptions of the family, cultural paradigms and internal brain patterns. Did you know that you received most of these belief systems while experiencing life as a sponge-like young child, from the people who raised you? These limitations are imprinted into your aura levels and chakras, as well as the cells of your body.
During Light Body Illumination, you'll experience processes for healing that restore fragmented parts of yourself, split off in other lifetimes or earlier in this timeline, with spacious, compassionate Presence and graceful transmutation with Divine Energies. These split off aspects are located in your auric energy field, together with a great deal of your wisdom and skill. With an experienced facilitator in Lynette, who is capable of sensing each person's energy field and responses during the session, the soft and spacious verbal guidance is tailored to the group.
We'll focus on each major and minor chakra, the bands of your energy field bands of your energy field, and on each major organ system, cleansing debris and opening to flowing Light. During each session. You'll likely feel a sense of calm, completion and Oneness come over you as you rest within the Transmissions with Lynette. You'll gain more understanding of the challenges you may have undergone during the heroic journey of awakening.
You'll discover how illness and pain can be welcomed as a doorway into more depth and beauty inside the Self. Indeed, these difficult experiences have cracked the heart open more fully in awakened individuals. Participants find Lynette's voice to be full of wisdom and compassion, uniquely resonant with the orchestra of Energies of Light that are felt within this field.
This will be a comprehensive series of experiences into a brighter, sweeter, richer experience of your life.
Lynette teaches through direct experience; there is very little mental processing in her courses. Primarily the experience is contemplative and direct felt-sense exploration.
Receive Transcendent Consciousness in the levels of your Light Body and physical body.
Experience your next evolutionary leap in a graceful and easy manner.
Experience non-dual nature
Feel Unity Consciousness streaming through you.
We'll cover the topic of moving beyond experiences of fleeting illumination and experiencing a more permanent, and stable perception of the awakening process, which is as infinite as you are.
In this path, we are very inclusive about the challenges you will likely undergo during the immense journey of spiritual awakening. The process of ego dissolution into the Great Self is rarely talked about in this culture, and it is a relief to many students that Lynette has the experience of three decades of working with people, especially during spiritual awakening experiences. Here, there is a vast and palpable field of Unity which envelops you as you experientially work with the guidance.
We will especially bring the Light of Awareness, together with the Field of Grace, into your:
1. Aura Levels
2. Chakras (major)
3. Chakras (minor)
4. Heart Channels.....
5. Physical organ systems...and more.
Opening more of the brilliance of your Light Body offers a step-by-step process which guides you to a confident, stable, and whole-being transformation.
This new course can provide welcome reassurance and a powerful transmutation each week, so that your entire energy field can coalesce with your Light Body more gracefully, in order to bring in great amounts of Divine Consciousness into your physical body, for the quickening of your spiritual Awakening.
Retreat Series Information:
As you experience decades on this earth, there may be places in the mental level of your field where your energy flow is interrupted.
During this once-a-month Saturday series, our focus will be on clearing the mental level and mental patterning - specifically, timeline thought structures - which dim the light of the pineal.
The ideal clarity of mental patterning for your personal pineal will be transmitted, along with clearings for emotions. The purification during each session increases the amplitude of your light quotient in the middle of your sixth chakra.
This clearing also lays a foundation for the ability to meditate in Stillness, and for the mind to rest in inexpressible peace.
Opening these light filaments of gossamer thread can support an elevated level of intuition and spiritual wisdom.
Your pineal gland is a receptor of spiritual light. It also offers important physical balancing to your body through your daily relationship with sunlight, and your ability to flow with the seasons.
Receive restorational Sacred Energies supporting the nobility of your spiritual awareness, the clarity of your insight. This course is very high-vibrational.
Deepen your perception of your life as a sacred gift, and heighten your extra-sensory capabilities, as Lynette shares Divine Gifts with you.
Retreat series information:
This invitation comes with great love and respect for your devotion to uplifting the world.
In a world where repressed divisions are coming to the surface to be seen and eventually healed, your continual knowing of your Divine Connection and Embodiment, becomes more essential. We will heighten your felt-awareness of your own Spiritual Essence during this comprehensive new series, igniting your next steps inward and upward on your journey.
Accessing Star Gates, we'll be opening more of the innumerable petals of your crown chakra, providing new templates which are available to be translated into your system.
During these rapid inter-dimensional shifts that are unfolding, Lynette will be introducing a new gateway of multidimensional awareness, tuned especially to your crown chakra. Further illuminate your center of spiritual connection with Life.
As you rejoice in fine and delicate transmissions, these new conversion codes will integrate down through your entire Central Channel, carried into your receptive chakra intersections. And as you're empowered with a stronger sense of your connection during the transition that is occurring with all of life on this planet, the Sacred Energies will also benefit your pituitary gland, the master coordinator.
Enjoy this acceleration of spiritual awakening, a precious space of opportunity for you, for your personal growth.
This invitation comes with great love and respect for your devotion to uplifting the world.
For a deeper palpable feeling, reserve a quiet space for yourself and meditation or rest as you listen, during the activations.
"There comes a time when evolution permits major spiritual transformation on the planet. And when this occurs, certain individuals are chosen to be a channel for this awakening. Lynette is such a channel."
Series information:
Your information is completely private with us.
Accelerate Your Awakening™, Accelerate Awakening™, Accelerating Awakening™, Awakening Acceleration™, Awakening Accelerator™ and Lie down and Awaken!™ are our established trademarks. First use - 2006.
The site content is for educational personal and spiritual growth purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. This work is not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. It complements all other modalities.
Accelerated Awakening℠, Accelerate Your Awakening℠, Accelerate Awakening℠, Accelerating Awakening℠, Awakening Acceleration℠ Awakening Accelerator℠ and Lie down and Awaken!℠ are our established service marks. Thank you for your respect.
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