Accelerated Awakening ® offers frequent monthly Saturday retreats, dedicated weekly evening home retreats lasting six months on a specific theme, occasional special day-retreats, month-long devotional contemplative retreats, and occasional conference gatherings in-person with groups.
Long Retreats - Winter is the favorite time for long retreats, lasting up to one month. Individuals meditate during their free time in the comfort of their own homes during the retreat, and join together remotely as a group each evening, as they are held in the transformative Sacred Field of Grace with Lynette's ethereal transmissions. On the first day, an online webcast or phone experiential teaching on the retreat topic is offered by Lynette, to promote comprehension of the specific inner exploration for the remainder of the retreat. A final conference together by webcast or phone at the close of the retreat integrates the personal experience.
Day Retreats are offered occasionally, and on selected special days during the year, such as free service offerings, or the New Year's intentions day-retreat, during which the group gathers from their homes with Lynette through technology. These are powerful days focused on specified exploration topics.
Weekly Retreats are a regular time to deeply focus on your inner spiritual world, as you create an oasis of peace around you for an at-home focus on your Stillness. Gentle explorations with the transcendent Divine Energies and Light are provided through technology as the group conferences each week with Lynette.
Weekend Immersion Retreats are in-person weekend gatherings, by invitation for experienced meditators. With deep connection, experiential processes, Soul movement, music, and dialogue with Lynette, these gatherings are richly rewarding.
The Divine Feminine Rises
Experiential Seminar
During our nourishing weekend together in nature, we will focus on the feminine qualities of Sacred Creation.
Exploring each quality in depth, we will embody the beauties of the Divine Mother and share this beneficial light with one another, and in our prayers for the world. We shall dialogue and further explore the unique facets of relationship with the Divine Mother, the Earth Mother, the Human Mother and the Inner Mother.
There exists an oasis of tranquility and rest within your Core - spacious and illuminating Eternal Nourishment. Enjoy this Infinite Wellspring of Divine Self which is continually alive within you as you meditate and explore your Vast Heart.
During this nurturing retreat, you'll have the opportunity to interface the Infinite Essence of your Soul, more fully into your energy body.
and more.
For those who serve others in their careers, this is a lovely moment to fill up your cup and recharge your inner battery. Enjoy feeling calm, restored and incredibly attuned to the innate Vast Heart as you relax with advanced meditators. Make new discoveries in your infinite landscape within.
"The most valuable learning doesn't come from an exterior teacher - it comes from the illuminated states of Consciousness, when one enters deeply into the vast and infinite heart. While this may have been a rare experience in previous eras, I see it happen rapidly in most of my students, and the blossoming into many additional transcendent states grows over time, with simultaneous inner clearing. The Transmissions open doorways in the feeeling-sensing language of the heart and body, and illuminate many Realizations of awakening."
- Lynette
"God descends into dirt and makes it majesty. Be silent now, say fewer and fewer praise poems. Let yourself become living poetry." Rumi
In our beautiful sunny location in Florida, gather again in the familiar sacred circle for another rich exploration into pure Essence! We will rest within the wellspring of pure Divinity and Stillness.
Our loving and highly refined group will enjoy again the depths, widths and heights of ethereal Divine Realities together, with times for silent meditation, music, movement explorations, and guided instructions and sound with Lynette, all held within the Transmission of Grace.
We'll enjoy a sublime retreat together, as explorers dedicated to the life-long spiritual and inner growth path, and service to our world.
This retreat seminar offers a wonderful opportunity to engage in the rich discoveries the advanced group provides, held within the luminous Divine Energy transmissions.
With our training in altruistic service, at the close of this Immersion, we will share this sublime vibration in a meditative offering, uplifting the community and the world.
"Lynette's teachings are given with unconditional pure Love, softness, effectiveness and respect. Yet, so powerful! Her gifts of Grace are a blessing for humanity."
Jocelyne S.
By Invitation: The Prerequisite for this retreat is graduation from two of the year-long Trainings; all graduates will be sent an invitation to this Accelerated Awakening® spiritual weekend group retreat with Lynette.
Join with us, advance your growth as a fully human spiritual being, and experience the easing of your growth journey with this lovely group ...
For Program Graduates - An invitational Retreat
Accelerated Awakening ® offers an in-person retreat with Lynette near the ocean in Florida. Within Sacred Space and Divine Transmissions, this is a precious opportunity for enjoying one another's company, meditation and experiential processes, dialogue with Lynette and immersion in the spiritual Field of Grace.
During the beautiful contemplative healing sessions, while you practice your presence and meditative awareness, receive lovely Divine Light and Energies within the collective field of Grace.
In between periods of sitting in Stillness, the group engages with introspective Impersonal Movement, practicing carrying our altruism into the physical world. We can also enjoy the ocean together with walking meditation utilizing the relational movement theme of the retreat.
Lynette will provide personal guidance, education and precise insight during dialogues with the group. In this setting, there will be time to meet exactly what is arising in each moment, and she will point you to the cause in your energy field, for which she is able to provide insight.
During the evenings, participants are encouraged to integrate with their feet in the ocean, or to swim, or walk in the wind, to support the discoveries of Realization during the day.
Witnessing one another in a rich and powerful Sacred Space provides healing to deep inner worlds.
It is within the heart of mysticism, grounded in the real world through interaction with work, family, friends and neighbors, that we discover ourselves to be essentially interconnected with all life. And we serve others in the compassionate way we treat ourselves.
The foundational relationship between all things will be the main focus of our explorations, as this relational dimension of existence carries the solutions for our future, and for our planet. From within a deeply embodied Realization of the Infinite within us, as our vast heart, we share our selfless service with the world. In Essence, we are this miracle of a body, expression the Divine in form.
Rumi describes this exploration well: "The body is a device to calculate the astronomy of the spirit. Look through that astrolabe and become oceanic."
Course participants, advance your growth as a fully human spiritual being, and experience the easing of your journey with this lovely group.
The Prerequisite for this retreat is to be a participant in a current and ongoing six-month course ...
Register with Jackie on the Connect page or click the blue button below.
This transformative weekly retreat reveals your Infinite Self as you are immersed within the lovely Field of Grace and Unity Consciousness while you experience and learn many of the most transformative meditative methods that Lynette shares, including new ones, with gentle inner explorations that offer profound resolutions for issues.
If you've been engaged with the journey of self-discovery and healing, and are interested in profound freedom and deeply Remembering your reality as an Eternal Spark, you are ready for the most intensive clean-out for issues that Accelerated Awakening® has ever offered. The year 2024 is ripe for major liberation and fulfillment.
This course, filled with both meditative information and contemplative stillness, is appropriate for anyone from beginning meditators to healing professionals. We are mindful of the stressors of these times and are welcoming you to join us for a productive and beautiful Sacred Space in your own retreat room each week.
Lynette will share the most efficient practices that she has created or discovered over three decades, during this regular weekly course. She will explain each one to you as we explore together.
This weekly retreat course offers regular adaptation and harmonization to Divine Embodiment. You'll experience gentle re-calibration each week, to more easily acclimate to these times. You'll receive a "how-to" for practical heart-centered living in the midst of a busy life.
We will cover several growth-applicable topics through this course, as Lynette reveals precise ways to calm the system and relax into your Infinite Self. The stages of deep, full presence, attitudes, boundary issue tips, ethical relating to clients and friends, not picking up other people's emotions, self-help methods and more will be shared to assist yourself and others.
During this course at a moment of fresh beginnings, regularly tune your mind to Unified Consciousness during this weekly course. It's incredibly empowering to continually attenuate your reactions to life ...
Began Jan 25. Registration is now closed.
You may purchase the recordings in July.
Live Thursday afternoon group devotional retreat, for those dedicated to continual growth. A new, practical life-enhancing skill or attitude will be shared each week, along with learning how to sense and utilize it in daily life.
Registrants of this extended weekly retreat course will be offered an invitation to an Accelerated Awakening® spiritual weekend group retreat with Lynette in Florida during the course; inquire with Jackie on the Connect page.
Remainder of text at the blue button below:
Lynette presents a powerful experiential Retreat with ten Modules, lasting ten months. Each Module is also a deep personal learning opportunity, offering spacious growth to participants.
This new retreat program will be another adventure in healing and awakening as you are guided ever-inward to your brilliance. The treasured feeling of fundamental belonging, discovered within the Soul Realm, translates into the offering of our harmonious Light in radiant and selfless service.
This frontier-edge course meets experienced individuals in the journey of Soul recognition.
Participants are encouraged to dedicate most of our Retreat Module days to rest, movement, music and being in nature, as you integrate this deep inner shifting.
Lynette is a seasoned facilitator for personal and spiritual growth, and has accomplished 35 years of training ...
REGISTRATION has now closed for this significant Saturday Program. The monthly recordings will be available in September.
Please select another contemplative Retreat course from the selection on the Store page.
The entire text for this immersive retreat training is at the blue button below:
In the midst of all the upheaval in the world, there exists an oasis of tranquility and rest within your Core - spacious and illuminating Eternal Nourishment. This Infinite Wellspring of Divine Self is continually available within you as you meditate
During this new evening retreat course, you can interface the Infinite Essence of your Soul, more fully into the Body, or bio, creating Bioluminescence.
Entire description is at the blue button below:
While you see collective shadow obviously emerging on earth for humanity to view clearly, you may also find that these events challenge your plans and feelings about your future, or your health.
Answering the needs of this time, our new Monday evening retreat course will provide a deeply unifying and harmonizing space of rest, smoothing your nerves within this haven of peace and sacred rejuvenation. You will be able to relax within nurturing Divine Love. This inner serenity supports your immune system, clarity, and intuition.
Each Monday evening:
Full description at the blue button below:
Let us unite for the deep Holy Space of a Winter Retreat. A profound progression in the journey of your soul together with the integration of your human self are possible during our month together.
During the daily silent divine transmissions and the two Sunday gatherings, with video-conferencing together, everything will be transformed within this fluidly sacred field. Each participant will be able to dialogue with Lynette during this meeting.
It is a precious gift for oneself to withdraw from the outside activity for either a few minutes each day if you're working, or full time if you can devote this wonderful winter retreat to your transformation, receiving the benefit of your Vast Heart, resting in your Soul Essence.
Dive into the immensity and depth of your majestic eternal nature, as you meditate. The deep connection of wise women's souls reinforces this elevation of the human self ...
Monday Dec 12 through Wednesday Jan 12
(This event was a private advanced women's gathering, and is not available in the Store.)
Daily silent retreats, transmissions and videoconferencing are all included. This gathering will be held in both English and French to accommodate our international participants ...
This live evening retreat course offered a live half-year of weekly Activations, with gentle guidance, inner exploration of the Divine Mystery, and spiritual transmissions. You may participate in a self-paced discovery through this set of Recordings.
To support reducing stress levels, especially for LightWorkers in service to others, this series of your personal retreat-accompanying recordings is reduced by 50%, from $255 to $127. ...
Course description at the blue button below:
A potent New Year Intention ceremony filled with sparkling Divine Energies.
Let's develop a supportive and Sacred Container to magnify your intentions for Jan 1 as you receive the splendor of Infinite Light ...
Entire description is at the blue button below:
This day is a superb chance to step out of the limited view of self, to gain a sense of completion with the old conceptualization of yourself.
For those who give to others, this is a lovely moment to fill up your cup and recharge your inner battery. Enjoy feeling calm, restored and incredibly attuned to the innate Vast Heart ...
Entire description is at the blue button below:
We live during the most marvelous time in recorded human history. Immense change is being compressed into a short period of time. How can we relax in this unknown territory? How do we enjoy life in the midst of such stress in the world?
During this new Thursday retreat series, Embracing the Mystery, we will develop the continuation of felt-sense inner peace. Immersion within the Divine Mystery softly loosens outdated, low vibrations.
To support reducing stress levels, this accompanying course for personal retreat is reduced
by 75%, from $264 to $65 ...
Entire description is at the blue button below:
With the intense turbulence of change visible on the earth, as we view the "new normal" of completely changed weather patterns during our lifetimes, there may be a question in the mind about threats to survival. We see routine ways of life falling away for many cultures, and there may be a natural response of anxiety with it's physical and energetic constrictions.
This retreat course offers a lengthy, regular spiritual immersion of six months, with gentle guidance, inner exploration of the Divine Mystery, and spiritual transmissions. Participants utilizing the recorded live sets may use these sessions as a guide during their self-structured long retreat ...
Entire description is at the blue button below:
Accelerate Your Awakening™, Accelerate Awakening™, Accelerating Awakening™, Awakening Acceleration™, Awakening Accelerator™ and Lie down and Awaken!™ are our established trademarks. First use - 2006.
The site content is for informational and personal and spiritual growth purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. This work is not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. It complements all other modalities.
Accelerated Awakening℠, Accelerate Your Awakening℠, Accelerate Awakening℠, Accelerating Awakening℠, Awakening Acceleration℠, Awakening Accelerator℠ and Lie down and Awaken!℠ are our established service marks. Thank you for your respect.
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