During the journey of being human, the unenlightened personality frequently forms cords made of our own energy, into many locations. The specific mechanisms of these types of cords can drain our energy, or even contribute to physical discomfort, illness or pain.
With this focus, we're excited about these new Accelerated Awakening® training workshops targeting ten types of etheric attachments - encapsulated emotions, physical body and possessions, astrals, etc. Clearing these leaves you feeling more luminous, healthier, and happier, advancing spiritual fulfillment. You'll gain some understanding about how to facilitate these clearings in clients, students and family.
Initial Program: Modules 1-4:
Workshop A: Cords into emotional conglomerations.
Workshop B: Cords into organ systems in the body.
Workshop C: Cords into possessions or cherished items.
Workshop D: Multi-layer cord clearing for emotions and body, imbued with a Divine Mother transmission.
Advanced Program: Modules E through J:
Module E: Cords for astrals affecting survival, relational and power chakras
Module F: Cords for discarnates affecting the entire sphere
Module G: Cords for negative vows and contracts, including past-lives
Module H: Cords for entities and other types
Module I: Cords for curses, oaths, spells, including from lineage
Module J: Cords for interference from outside sources
Compassionate, gentle inner explorations and energy healings for:
This Advanced Program is one of the most significant yet for those who are on the path of spiritual growth and liberation. During this next year you can learn to master the personality's tendency to recycle patterns.
Empower yourself with this targeted focus on freedom!
Are you excited about our new Accelerated Awakening® workshops? A stand-alone training (separate from this program) will be offered to professionals for questions and answers, so that you will be capable of instructing clients and students as you become proficient. You will be taught the beginning mechanics of how the attachments occur during these Modules, as you participate in your own liberation.
Enrollment size for this program is capped so there will be time for individual focused clearing for each person, as well as the powerful and focused group liberation. There will be some educational content given for practitioners so that you gain skills as you receive this work.
Lynette is an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, and an instrument for deep healing and Remembering. She has trained advanced healers in deep states of Presence with intuitive, somatic methods, in several countries. Her facilitation of individuals and groups spans 36 years. Lynette's transmission of many realms of expanded Consciousness smooths the path for those interested in spiritual growth. Many dedicated students experience ever-expanding Realization of Union through this path, which is one of grounded spiritual embodiment and service ...
Accelerate Your Awakening™
August 2023 to June 2024
Ten workshops in the Training Program.
This live Training is currently ongoing although registration has now closed, for a committed container for the duration.
If you wish to purchase the first four workshops now, they are in the Store, or at the blue button below.
The workshop series will be completed in June. At that time the entire Recorded Set will be available in the Store.
"Lynette is a pure servant of the heart. Her light is so obvious. She is a living angel who works so gracefully in supporting others to express their radiance. To be in her presence is truly enough."
Michael S., DC, GA
We are in a time of rapid evolutionary change. It is time to shed the veils of ancestry, the illusions of culture, and the shadows of cellular memory.
Workshop Training information:
A 10-month workshop series
Lynette skillfully uses specialized, advanced techniques to identify and release your etheric attachments, leaving you feeling lighter, clearer and more energized.
As a spiritual teacher and facilitator of healing, she maintains three to four ongoing courses at any given time, to meet the varied needs of students. A prolific creator of valuable training and course materials, Lynette offers around 100 different topics each year.
Your monthly newsletter contains a new course topic each month; please be sure you're signed up below.
To read the full text description, click the blue button below:
Like the ripples from a drop of water, infused with all colors of its surroundings, the connectors in our energy spheres are meant to fluidly move information.
These fluid ripples move easily from the body to each of your seven layers, if the pathways are open. The essential process of transforming becomes more efficient.
Emotions resolve smoothly, and thoughts readily shift, with free movement between their layers. Causal information in layers four through seven easily moves to the body, when those connectors are clear. Time-line memory resolves more efficiently.
"Lynette, I'm writing just to express my enormous gratitude for such an incredible gift --- yet again! I am completely awed and deeply appreciative of you and your sharings. Thank you!!! During the cleansing I could see and feel the rain of many colored light streams followed by bliss and wholeness and expansion." - a graduate
This seven month live educational training will include instruction for facilitators of healing, and three mentoring sessions to aid your inner healing, comprehension and integration during this journey.
For those who desire to utilize these multi-dimensional techniques with clients, a bonus facilitator session will be offered for customized answers to specific questions. As a resource, Lynette offers Practitioner Q&A session on occasion by invitation to experienced practitioners, for specific questions about teaching and facilitating others ...
RECORDINGS: This Training has just completed and the set of recordings is available. The Recorded Set is in the Store, or at the blue button below.
"I feel like this state of Wholeness is more within me now, and the part that's left is more transparent, filmier, thinner, yet gentler and fuller, more filled with love and appreciation and lightness." - a participant
Lynette's facilitation of individuals and groups spans three and a half decades. She maintains three to four ongoing courses at any given time, to meet the varied needs of students and professional facilitators. A prolific creator of valuable training and course materials, Lynette offers around 100 different topics each year ...
Read the remainder of the text at the blue button:
Expanding Treasures & Building Skills
Graduates requested an advanced level related to our previous training, The Coalescing Program, commenting on profound new skills. Additional instruction through cutting-edge explorations will be shared.
Perhaps your mind is responding to the unprecedented nature of this time we live within, with subtle stress or anxiety. As you are rooted in the present, coalescing many of your time streams into clear space now, you'll bring the felt-sense of Vast Origin more fully into your center....and then open into your Vast Becoming.
Two private sessions with Lynette during the live Advanced Program are included, so you can maximize your personal growth as a person, and refine your abilities as a facilitator of spiritual growth for others.
"I thank you for all your insight and wonderful knowings. I truly could not have a more capable and loving teacher." - a graduate
Accelerated Awakening® invites you to a Training Program for coalescing many levels of self, including techniques to share with your clients ...
The Advanced Coalescing Program has completed and is available in the Store. You're welcome to purchase the recordings after you have completed the Prerequisite foundation Coalescing Program on this page, below.
Lynette is an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, a teacher of teachers, and an instrument for deep healing and Remembering. She has trained advanced meditators, and healers in deep states of Presence with intuitive, somatic methods, in several countries.
9 Module Program
To read the entire text, press the blue button below:
In the blossoming Realization of what it means to be the Divine Breath in human form, we will focus on the coalescence of multiple streams of awareness.
Developed for seekers in the personal and spiritual growth path, and experienced graduates of long-term Accelerated Awakening® trainings alike, during this Program we will develop your inner treasury.
Discovering resplendent rainbows of pure light within form, you'll be able to open, to sense yourself more fully as the Eternal Spirit which animates your form. Like the sunrise reveals wild nature, unseen during the night.
Perhaps your mind is responding to the unprecedented nature of this time we live within, with subtle stress or anxiety. As you are rooted in the present, coalescing many of your time streams into clear space now, you'll bring the felt-sense of Vast Origin more fully into your center....and then open into your Vast Becoming.
This 7-Module Saturday Program has been completed. The Divine Energies and Activations are fully contained in the recordings. The educational experience in the recorded Coalescing set is available in the Store, or at the blue button below.
"The liberation was wonderful to experience and the resulting well-being is simply Divine."
- a graduate
Lynette is an experienced group facilitator and guide of spiritual awakening who has shared in many countries. She is masterful in tracking energetic causation in the energy field, and a beloved teacher of healing methods. Her teachings can benefit beginning students as well as highly accomplished professionals in the healing arts ...
Read the entire text for this Program at the blue button below:
A Sublime Spiritual Development Program
Accelerated Awakening® offers a major program in personal, ever-deepening development for those who are experienced with spiritual exploration.
This may be the most pivotal year of your lifetime, as well as the most transformative year over many of your previous existences.
Lynette views this moment as offering the most incredible passage for the growth of conscious evolution. For billions of years, the birthing of all types of life has occurred in this universe, and you had the privilege of being born here as a result.
Now, as the dance of evolving consciousness is speeding up, this window of time offers incredible new birth in the midst of dying old systems. There is a flood of light that is fueling growth and change.
Growth opportunities are sometimes felt as unsettling or confusing, and as you navigate a changing world, you can rapidly and more gracefully transform within our new training ...
*PREREQUISITE: Previous clearing work with Lynette is a prerequisite to the live Program...
The full text for this Training can be found at the blue button below:
A Splendid New Training Program - This Training Program has been tailored for experienced inner personal growth practitioners, as well as healers, practitioners and teachers in the field of facilitating, educating and healing clients and students.
The Accelerated Awakening® a new 12-Workshop Video and Audio Training Program on Alchemical Processes and Methods. It is being offered to those who wish to heal themselves, or facilitate others in their healing journey ...
"I am filled with an indescribable fullness dear Lynette.
You are truly a blessing for us, for the world, and I am blessed to have crossed and followed your path. I am filled.
- Healer certification graduate
"I felt a big shift after the transmission - a great sense of peace and joy. I love your work and appreciate all I have learned from you. Your presence is so loving and comforting."
- a graduate
The resolution and unification of dualities is a topic of interest to everyone, since we're witnessing so much polarization in the world. During this program we'll enter the next level of your existing skills in unifying opposites. You'll learn how to alchemically process these polarities in a very effective way, both for yourself and for others, and become more proficient at living in this state of neutrality and spaciousness in daily life.
For the entire Program text, click the blue button below:
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Accelerate Your Awakening™, Accelerate Awakening™, Accelerating Awakening™, Awakening Acceleration™, Awakening Accelerator™ and Lie down and Awaken!™ are our established trademarks. First use - 2006.
The site content is for informational and personal and spiritual growth purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. This work is not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. It complements all other modalities.
Accelerated Awakening℠, Accelerate Your Awakening℠, Accelerate Awakening℠, Accelerating Awakening℠, Awakening Acceleration℠, Awakening Accelerator℠ and Lie down and Awaken!℠ are our established service marks. Thank you for your respect.
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