Lynette serves as an international facilitator of spiritual awakening, a teacher/trainer of professionals in the healing arts, and a guide for sacred exploration.
A skilled group facilitator with over three decades of experience, Lynette received multiple trainings in many modalities, beginning in the late eighties. She began to experience expansive states of Consciousness in her personal development journey during her private practice, in the mid-nineties. These awakenings brought energetic gifts, insights and methods which were utilized in her experiential groups and with private clients. She began to teach when it was requested.
For the past two decades, her service has focused on training others to deepen into profound states of Realization to enhance their own client practice, or to offer this graceful spiritual path to those focused on their inner growth, facilitating their spiritual Self-development and Remembrance.
A visionary, she has synthesized extensive trainings and over 30 years of experience in varied healing facilitation, together with vast and unusual life experiences, with Divine gifts of Grace and skills remembered from other dimensions, into this new and empowering body of work. A profound awakening in 1995 introduced her to the Origin of Unity Consciousness, and multiple states of enlightening Consciousness unfolded two decades ago. They continue to integrate, as she shares her gifts with people seeking to awaken fully.
Sharing these potent states of Presence and Grace with students during their courses, certification processes or in meditative retreats, Lynette discovered that she can guide others into expanded states through resonance. She also developed effective methods for students to relax into Union, and mapped how to accomplish this Self-Remembrance. She has continued to support spiritual aspirants in their personal growth and training with a wide array of advanced energy healing initiations and skills, as well as weekly contemplative sessions to support deep inner peace in the midst of ordinary life. As a grounded mystic, she offers frequent service to the world.
Lynette teaches experientially, so participants have a direct felt-sense of the techniques and states of Consciousness, and are then able to instruct others, and transmit these states of pure Consciousness through resonance to their clients and loved ones. People with several decades of experience in formal meditation have found profound benefit in her trainings and courses in which spiritual awakening throughout the entire energy field is the focus, and healing is simply a result. During in-person events, the table next to her simply contains flowers and a mirror, a visual teaching in itself.
She maintains a teaching and facilitation schedule of about 100 sessions each year: evening contemplative sessions, ceremonies, courses, meditative retreats or long-term trainings. In an earlier decade, she was frequently on a plane, sharing in nine countries. Lynette has chosen a lighter travel schedule in recent years, and works closely with an advanced group of highly tuned and trained healers, awakened humans and fellow journeyers on the Infinite path. As a spiritual facilitator, she is occasionally available to new students who discover and feel the inner call to this path. For those experienced in spiritual work, she is available as a personal mentor by appointment for specific issues resolution, escorting you into feeling the deep essence of the Soul.
This awakening path for facilitators of healing is unique, in that during Trainings, we cultivate the understanding that human beings are not in need of Light from others; they simply need to untangle the blockage that exists between them and the effulgence of their inner Light. Resonating transmissions from the facilitator's own awakening hasten this inner this healing process in others. We view the next frontier as the full human embodiment of Spirit, ascending vibration and descending into matter simultaneously. This is the foundation of understanding. All is welcome at the table, we are not separated into spiritual and human, and true Union is the feeling of the Sacred in every cell. We observe the radiant Light in every person.
Lynette lives in the remembrance of embodied Divinity, and has been gifted with rare and extraordinary abilities. Serving as an instrument of Spirit for powerful and rapid healing, transmutation, and awakening energies, Lynette has been blessed with radiant capabilities to transmit these vibrational healings, as well as vast ranges of profound spiritual energies, to groups, and at any distance. Most of her long-term students have Realized the Self and continue to deepen.
Accelerated Awakening® is the container which offers a wide variety of services to support a
continually-evolving world.
Dear Awakening Ones,
Inherent in my being is a life-long passion for freedom, together with deep innate gifts to facilitate others in remembering their true Luminous Core. This visionary work, together with gentle guidance, Divine healing energies and experiential exploration, can greatly magnify your feeling-experiential state of Divinity, and simultaneously gently lift and ease the egoic reactions to the process of awakening.
A childhood lived in the natural world, riding horses, climbing mountains, backpacking, and gardening, immersed in the wild nature of Africa, with frequent trips through Europe, gave me an appreciation and respect for other cultures. Then living in the West and picking up the perspective here, with the accompanying enculturation of religion, there was a desire to free myself to rediscover the same Union I felt as a young child in nature, delighted and in wonderment at the interconnection of all things.
As a life-long student of the Mysteries myself, I am blessed to facilitate and witness growth and Self-Remembrance on a continual basis, within my own widening journey, and in those who choose to work with me. Each seminar or online meditative course invites people immediately into direct experience, as I share the felt-sense shortcuts developed over decades, together with small amounts of verbal guidance. A resonant Field of Union is transmitted. Here, every aspect is invited to the table. Here, an invitation is offered in which all the light and shadow can be observed with trained neutrality. Here, you are welcomed Home.
You're warmly invited to join us in this wonderful adventure as humanity's spiritual evolution intensifies, always coming Home to the deep Eternal stillness within.
Loving Bliss,
"You are at the doorway of powerful spiritual Realization with a light and talented guide." CA
"I began training to assist others 40 years ago, and for the past 36 years, my entire service vocation was offered in the healing arts, evolving into the facilitation of pure spiritual awakening and embodiment. Initially, around 1990, over 1500 hours of experiential group facilitation training, using many modalities of emotional release, inner child, visualization, movement, art, and group dynamics; continuing into bodywork and structural training, focusing on body-emotion integration. There was expansion into dimensional access, shamanic and ancient healing arts training; trauma resolution; body-centered psychotherapy seminars; inner child healing; spiritual warrior training; vibrational medicine; pre-cognitive re-education; meditation; movement practices, dance, and many Continuum retreats; certification in Energy Medicine; certification in sound healing; multiple sacred site ceremonies and planetary healing. Further evolution with 3 years of Advanced Kabbalah healing certification, and 3 years of professional Pre and Peri-natal Training Certification (birth issue resolution)...and with continual growth and the Remembering of layers of powerful ancient abilities, there is always new insight emerging.
The majority of my sharing comes from direct Remembrance of skills in other times, as a Star being and many transcendent incarnations, and from ideas which spring from the intelligence of a mind always curious to learn and grow, interesting in assisting others in smoothing the path of deeply embodied spiritual Realization. The Sacred transmissions flow through the vast wisdom of this Eternal Soul.
The Sacred gifts began opening in 1995 with a life-changing awakening experience, with years of ongoing realigning. Incredible states of Consciousness continued to open to Oneness in 2003 and continued to refine the personality, to the present day. With the felt-experience of many facets of the rarified transcendent Being, the sense of personal self is fading. The pinnacle now is perceived as integrating into being fully embodied with these Realizations, during the journey of continually enlightening. The gifts of remote transmission, multi-dimensional access, transmutation abilities, and vast Consciousness continue to evolve in amazing ways, as my dedication to fully incarnated expression is life-long. "
- Lynette
"You are at the doorway of powerful spiritual Realization with a light and talented guide." CA
“Lynette is a pure servant of the heart. Her light is so obvious. She is a living angel who works so gracefully in supporting others to express their radiance. To be in her presence is truly enough.”
Michael S. DC
“This work is eminently practical, with immediate results that can be verified through psycho-kinesiology. These groups averaged clearing of 60% of each person’s parental baggage - removed with the first healing.”
Rick M. PhD
"Lynette's work is a blessing! Through her teachings I finally freed myself from suffering and discovered my true Self who is greater that I could ever imagine! I developed the ability to stay at peace with myself and others, stay in the state of joy and gratefulness. I feel blessed, wonderful and complete."
Jocelyne S.
Kind Words about the Accelerated Awakening® experience
"Lynette is a pure servant of the heart. Her light is so obvious. She is a living angel who works so gracefully in supporting others to express their radiance. To be in her presence is truly enough."
Michael. S., Ph.D., D.C.
"This Divine work you are doing is so immense that we all hope and pray that you will be able to continue for a very long time in total health and vigor. Your unconditional love, multifaceted compassion and joy are extremely palpable and I am honored and grateful for all that you do for me, others and the planet!!!!!" Jean M.
"Since my journey with Lynette, I recaptured the abundance in all aspects of my life, such as the abundance of love to myself and others, the profound joy of Recognition of well-being, happiness and inner peace; steady my gaze towards the Creator, to life. For me, what I just described is pure abundance ...with confidence."
"I was a little unsure whether I should receive healing, but it was so exciting that I just had to try it. It was a good experience and I could feel how the energies flowed through my body in waves during the treatment." Lasse from Haderslev
"Lynette is a warm and caring person. Her healing reaches deep into the soul and on many levels. The first time I received healing from Lynette was in Egypt and I was fascinated by how quickly she could heal the problems and it could be felt immediately. It's great to meet a person with these abilities who still has a good grounding." Vibeke from Haderslev
"It's so wonderful - this work you're doing with us. It is like you're a Mother taking us by the hand, leading us, saying "Look, life can be so beautiful!" I feel blessed all the time! I'm in a constant state of recognition now; this state of recognition I looked for all my life. I feel so happy to be me."
"I am grateful to be able to enlighten and ground myself throughout these times of turmoil and uncertainty. It brings comfort and solace. I consider you a great blessing in my life. Your skills and energy and grace have helped me tremendously. I thank you."
"A very BIG and most gracious thank you and the team for this weekend. It was truly Divine! What a joy-filled couple of days. We are flying with light wings and big smiles." Chalice K.
"I am deeply grateful and honored to be a part of your work and I thank you and your Team. I am in awe as I see and feel the new world unfolding before & within me. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Your sharing of knowledge is a treasure and means so very much to me. You are a great inspiration to me! Thank you for sharing with me in all realms, dimensions and space/time realities."
"I so enjoyed the seminar with you! My heart just feels loved when I am near you! Thank you for being an amazing teacher!"
"Let me say that I have really been appreciating your work and feel that it is having profound affects in my life. I'm definitely on the awakening path and it has been very supportive to be working with you during this time."
"I send this email to tell you that the clearing performed on me is very powerful. I feel happier, more fit, I have more energy, I exercise and I feel good. A calm settles in me and I find it wonderful. People around me noticed. Thank you for everything."
"I am loving the Awakening the Body work we are doing in this series. Thank you for facilitating and bringing in the energies that are transforming and renewing our physical containers, and my experience of being truly present moment to moment."
"During one of the Catalyst sessions I remember a hard shell that was around my heart splitting apart and breaking away. It felt so freeing."
"Lynette is without a doubt the most gifted, powerful, authentic and grace-filled healer walking this planet today. Working directly with your soul, her consciousness gently and very thoroughly lifts off the "baggage" and resolves the causes that have kept you from letting your unique gifts shine. She is one of a few on the Earth that can resolve karma. As a fully translucent being she is also a constant reminder to ALL of us of our Divine inherent potential. Choosing to know your divinity is truly the greatest gift you can ever give yourself. I hope you enjoy your journey as much as I have enjoyed mine with Lynette."
"I attended the Day of Awakening event and that was very deep. I had a major healing with my father that day. For several nights afterward I felt that you were working with me directly to expand my consciousness, increase my ability to multi-track, etc. I imagined connections forming across the lobes of my brain and I felt my pineal being activated. It was wild; I even heard your voice in my head telling me to try different things."
"What a great gift we all received last night! My legs were reacting by kicking a little bit and I had a need to stretch by body during the integration of the Flame of Love, which I did softly. I felt this emergence in all my cells. Wonderful! After the conference, I continued to receive the Flame of Love into all my system, in the heart of all the cells of my body. This morning I can't stop smiling of gratefulness. I feel this brilliance in and around me and I will nourish it every single day of my life. I really Am This Light of Love and will let the Light express itself through my being."
"The session of spiritual healing was wonderful. I couldn't believe the heat that was running through my body afterwards."
"The exercise of looking the other person in the eyes and holding hands was really very powerful for me. I realized how I could be open-hearted with a stranger without fear. Now each time I meet a stranger and have reflex of closing myself I consciously open my heart. I have never felt like this before. I can now go open-hearted. And this is really a big step for me."
"Boy, do I feel shifting occurring. I also feel a gentle power emerging. I have been spending some spare moments connecting to that beautiful field you brought in last week. I LOVED being with you in sacred space!"
"WOW! That was a spectacular field you opened for us tonight! I truly did not want to leave it. I stayed for 1/2 hour in it after class ended then heard the call of my patient son! That was a very memorable night Lynette. Thank you for facilitating. I am drawn to that field and intend to explore it more! So very much happened during the call tonight, I can't really put my experience into words though. Great night! I feel extra creative tonight!"
"Thank so much for your presence in our country and the seminar last week end. I feel the transformation slowly penetrating my body. I am so grateful to be part of this group that You are leading."
"My gratitude for knowing you and you being on this planet is immense!!!!"
"I often remember your words from our class. Something as simple as "let everything from your day just melt away" was so helpful this week. I could visualize things melting like the wax of a candle. I moved into a different space instantly. Thank you!"
"Last night was so sweet. As I came into the space and balanced my field, I could feel you and the sweet, potent, loving field of The Divine Mother. It was like being in the most delicious chocolate cake, without the density."
"Thank you so much for the beautiful, uplifting and loving Activation session on New Year's. It was just what I needed... I felt a big shift after the transmission - a great sense of peace and joy. I love your work and appreciate all I have learned from you. Your presence is so loving and comforting."
"I walk around so much of my days now in peace and feeling the flow of the Divine and Earth. It used to be easier at night to feel this state of BEING but I am so grateful to you to have my days now filling with this same flow."
"The Quantum Field group session with you was very transformational for me. I feel as if a cloak has been lifted off of my energy field. I feel quite light and free. Next to marrying my husband and having my son, working with you has been the best decision/destiny of my life!!! You are deeply loved!!!"
"To say that was transformational is an understatement. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!! That blew my socks off literally; they are off - and so is much, much more stuff!! Such a BIG THANK YOU, Lynette and the Team. That had to be the most incredible experience I have ever felt. I could go on and on but you get the idea."
"Lynette's consciousness re-creates the bridge/missing link between your Soul and your personality/ego."
"I am seeing tangible shifts in my life - I'm grateful for all that this work has brought in transformation and love. Thank you for all that you do."
"I thank you for all your insight and wonderful knowings. I truly could not have a more capable and loving teacher."
“Lynette has a very healing and relaxing presence. Her work is fascinating. I feel shifted. It’s awesome! I feel better in my skin. I am more aware of who I am. It feels better to be me.” D. W., WA
“I know the impact, the influence, the transformative power, of this work – if you have the opportunity, GO!” V. P., CA
"I really enjoyed working with you over the phone. Thanks for helping me in the incredible way you did. I’ve been feeling SO much more grounded, more speaking from my truth and from a position of strength. " Gina B., London
"It was either a miracle or divine intervention that led me to Lynette. I had been pretty much abused by the medical community. I had severe head pain and it kept getting worse and worse. I had been told by countless doctors that there was no reason that I should be in so much pain. I was despondent. I could find no relief, no answers. This is when I found Lynette. Through my work with her, I found that I had a great deal of trauma and foreign energy trapped in my body. This was a result of several car accidents and other emotional events that had happened to me over the years. Through the phone, Lynette was able to do extractions and repair work that gave me more relief than any pill, any doctor visit. This was a completely new approach to healing for me, in fact it was a whole new way of thinking, of looking at the world. It was hard to believe at first, but I could actually feel the matter coming out of my head as Lynette worked with me. The defining moment for me was when, during a session, Lynette was removing some etheric scar tissue at the base of my cranium, and I literally felt my skull move I had been saying for months that my skull felt crooked, and this relieved some of the most excruciating pain. It also gave me hope for recovery. I know I have more recovery ahead of me, and that the process will be ongoing, but I feel I owe my survival to Lynette. The only way I could have possibly started my recovery process was to find someone who could do all the things that she's capable of.
Lynette is the only person in the world who does what she does. She is so generous with her gifts, her gifts that are truly indescribable, awe-inspiring, life affirming. She is not only able to use her gifts to help heal the body, but she is also able to ease the mind and the spirit. She is also helping me to see how I can learn to heal my body myself, with my own gifts. She has encouraged me to see that I have a light inside of me, that deserves to burn brighter." B. P., WA
"After 30 years of intractable depression, for which I had tried everything conventional and alternative, Lynette cleared the cause in two sessions and it vanished! I feel radiant.” A. N., GA
“I had severe Candida, allergies, Chronic Fatigue, and Hepatitis C. After seven sessions with Lynette, I felt healthy and creative. And 3 years later, I still feel good!” L. B., GA
“My plantar fascitis disappeared immediately. It felt like Light was moving through, and all the pain flowed out.” L. L.
“Lynette’s work feels like taking off a backpack of boulders you didn’t know you had on – a truly amazing experience.” Ben B., Belgium
“I’ve been very different since I had that session with you, Lynette. I’d really like to thank you for all the years you spent learning and studying, but especially that you’re willing to help others. Also, my mother has also been restored to how we remember her when she was younger. I’m very grateful for what you were able to give her.” G. A., CA
“I felt so overwhelmed with other people’s emotions and foreign energies. Lynette cleared me out immediately.” S. J., Egypt
“I could feel the shakti across the room.” L. L., CA
“Before, my life was chaotic and it felt like my mind was running around in circles. It’s so much calmer. I feel just wonderful now!” B. T., WI
“I have had my awareness expanded tremendously.” R. I., CA
“That workshop shifted me so much! In the last year, I have moved to another state, changed jobs, and now I’m doing what I love, in healing service. Thank you so much.” A. N., FL
“This is incredible! That constant pain in my leg is gone and I feel wonderful!” J. G., CA
“This Training experience was very validating, and very expansive on many levels.” J.G., CA
“Subtle energy shifts with profound implications. Gentle methods of moving out energies that are not helpful. Potential empowerments for being enabled to heal in a much simpler, easier way than I have been doing. A great modeling for the Divine Feminine in action.” Dia L. CA
“This is the most powerful work I have ever received. Clearing my father’s energy and ancestral baggage has given me the opportunity to choose to create a freer life.” Daniel M.,IN
“I feel great! A most heartful thank you to you and your team of Teams! Wow! I feel like a prancing horse, just wanting to train with you right now!” M. B. CA
"I have often had problems with headaches, but after I learned to use Lynette's techniques and heal myself daily for 5-10 minutes - I can get rid of the headaches. My dreams have become clearer after the course." Ellen from Silkeborg
“After just a few minutes of Lynette’s work, much of my back pain had disappeared.” J. M, CA.
“This work is awesome! I’ve been waiting all my life!” Elaine K. NY
“The work that I did with Lynette was life-changing. I am a different person now and my life will really never be the same.” Nancy G., MI
“When I felt emotional and overwhelmed, Lynette explained that it was not my personal energy that I was feeling, and proceeded to transmute the other energies in minutes. I felt peaceful again.” J.E., Peru
“The eyes have it…. I feel seen on a deep level with Lynette.” L. G.
“When Lynette sits in a room, even when she’s not working, people receive access to many dimensions of spiritual resources.” Fernand P. DC
and there are hundreds more...
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The site content is for informational and personal and spiritual growth purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. This work is not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. It complements all other modalities.
Accelerated Awakening℠, Accelerate Your Awakening℠, Accelerate Awakening℠, Accelerating Awakening℠, Awakening Acceleration℠ Awakening Accelerator℠ and Lie down and Awaken!℠ are our established service marks. Thank you for your respect.
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