Gracefully accelerate your journey of inner healing and spiritual Realization through live meditative courses with Clear Light immersions,
Energy Healing long-term professional trainings,
Sacred Transmissions during spiritual growth-oriented weekly retreat hours,
Divine Energies during the oasis of the online monthly series, or at in-person retreats,
or Divine Light-infused self-paced recorded sets.
You're invited to join the loving and warm community of awakening people involved with this path of transcendent embodiment.
We are alive during times of great change and expansion in Consciousness, as well as major upheaval on earth. You may feel the desire to reduce your stress and discover deep security in the Realization of Infinite Self. There may be a deep inner yearning to fully awaken, live in sublime peace, and share your gifts and wisdom.
Lynette's sacred expertise in spiritual awakening and the ascension of Consciousness provides a vast wealth of resources to you, supporting your continual growth and equanimity during the continual enlightening journey. Everyone can benefit from these lovely Sacred Spaces and explorations with this experienced spiritual teacher.
"It is within the vast, vibrant stillness
of your own Heart
that you will discover the great answer to your seeking -
and you will be Home.
Awake, aware
and in Union with Life."
- Lynette
You're welcome to join us for Self-discovery, remembering exquisite Union, and actualizing the potentials of full Divine embodiment. All sessions provide a lovely oasis of spiritual sustenance, guiding you into the felt-remembrance of Eternal Heart.
A synopsis of Lynette's offerings is available below. She maintains four simultaneous live courses on different topics, and her prolific recorded library vault is available to the public.
Your children and grandchildren under the age of 18 are included at no charge with your registration, uplifting and inspiring the next generations.
A facilitator of awakening and evolving Consciousness, Lynette's specialty is offering powerful sacred gifts of graceful transmutation, experiential guidance for the spiritual path, and direct Transmissions of pure Being. In creative and interesting ways, she facilitates blossoming spiritual remembrance and gentle shadow resolution simultaneously. She is a guide to awakening human beings in the journey of continuing enlightening.
Powerful "healing the healer first" trainings are offered with advanced and groundbreaking skills. Certifications are given with long term trainings, and graduate skill trainings are frequently available for those who instruct clients and students. Combine your personal inner growth with building the skills to facilitate others, as you become a confident, expansive and collaborative Sacred Presence for healing. These advanced trainings generally are offered to graduates of other Programs who embody the vocabulary, and glorious embodied Divine Presence.
Lynette offers two weekly online courses continually; each theme lasts 6 months. Tuesdays and Thursdays. One provides a gentle restorative Field of Grace and wonderful Sacred Energies to retreat participants. The other experiential healing course benefits precise inner purification exploration for shadows within the personality, within serene and beautiful Divine Energies and Light. The newest uplifting Live Courses are on the Weekly page. These courses are open to the public, and multiple recorded sets on supportive topics are in the Store. They are all beneficial for reducing stress and assisting your evolution.
Meditations, stillness, music, curvi-linear movement, and deep internal healing and reconciliation, with a powerfully effective method pioneered by Lynette, are frequently offered. Embraced within a powerful Field of Grace, people discover the Self. Simultaneous balanced resolution of shadow supports the transcendent states to remain in conscious awareness. There is no type of dogma or religion, we simply access the Vast and incredible inner wisdom of your own heart. There are several types of spiritual retreats, and you may often participate in the comfort of your own home.
One Saturday each month for 3 or 4 months, special topics for personal and sacred growth are often presented by Accelerated Awakening ® and these activations offer profound upliftment and inspiration. Balanced clearing of shadow together with expansive states offers a balanced growth opportunity. After learning methods, calming and harmonizing Divine Energies are included during Stillness. Saturday series and retreat topics are offered on the Monthly page.
Lynette is available for mentoring skilled professionals of the healing arts, or for personal sessions with participants in the Accelerated Awakening® spiritual exploration. This vibrational upliftment occurs at the core of your being. Previous experience through courses or recordings is recommended before scheduling.
During seminars, trainings, online courses and retreats, enjoy:
If you're currently a healing professional, and desire advanced training or certification in energy healing facilitation, or are a spiritual explorer interested in personal development, we cover a wide array of topics experientially. These include both self-healing awareness methods, and mystical techniques for professionals in the healing arts. Please sign up for the monthly newsletter below, to receive the newest information for the ongoing programs, and the current free service offerings for the world.
You may work with Lynette in online training or telephone groups, personally by phone, or at on-location gathering for Retreats or Graduate Trainings. There are continual weekly courses running, and occasional in-person gatherings with the extraordinary, loving group of the people who have been involved in this work for many years. This is a potent space to accelerate your awakening.
Occasionally Lynette offers a free online session, Blessings of Grace, as a sacred service, or a stand-alone session so new participants can experience the inner work and sacred vibration. Then you can select the program which best suits ongoing growth, after your personal experience with the ethereal Divine Energies and Light Transmissions.
There are multiple types of trainings and inner contemplative spiritual growth courses ongoing. Be aware that some of the trainings and retreats are by invitation for experienced participants. Some courses are open to all. Your monthly newsletter will contain details.
Dedicated to facilitating growth on many levels, since beginning to work with groups and clients in 1989, Lynette has offered about 100 spiritual-growth course topics each year, for almost two decades. An immense library of this spiritual work exists, containing dozens of multi-session programs geared to training, healing and spiritual awakening. She is dedicated to offering affordable resources for those who are seeking to heal and awaken.
You're welcome to join Lynette in this Grace-filled work as the Divine Light and Energies smooth your path. She's an experienced spiritual teacher and facilitator of awakening who has experienced and understands the healing landscapes of the spiritual awakening journey and the enlightening continuum.
“The space Lynette holds for Self- remembering is magnificent.
This is a profound and gentle process which produces phenomenal results.”
Barb O.
"There comes a time when evolution permits major spiritual transformation on the planet. And when this occurs, certain individuals are chosen to be a channel for this awakening. Lynette is such a channel."
John E.
“Lynette’s work feels like taking off a backpack of boulders you didn’t know you had on – a truly amazing experience.”
Ben B. Belgium
Lynette has shared her powerful body of work internationally in trainings and retreats, traveling to eight countries. She is a visionary, awakened and loving Presence, a skilled group facilitator, and a spiritual teacher who shares a unique variety of sublime and embodied states through direct Transmissions.
In multiple types of trainings and inner contemplations, you have the sacred space to come Home to who you truly are, to remember your innermost core of Light. Through potent and effective methods which Lynette created, students rapidly resolve those things which kept them from the Vast Heart.
Grounded as a mystic, Lynette teaches in an experiential format, utilizing the direct experience of shared techniques within a lovely Field of Grace. Within this abundant, vibrant and nourishing Field, participants both heal themselves and learn to embody and share this state of full Presence, and the techniques, with others. Healing professionals become proficient at instructing their clients in self-awareness and inner healing techniques.
If you have an interest in Self Realization, and/or sharing healing growth with others, you are welcome to experience this work - through Enlightened Explorations, contemplative teachings, powerful techniques, and spiritual transmissions of pure Grace.
Frequent Accelerations are shared with the public, and many courses are geared towards those with multiple years of experience in spiritual paths.
Lynette's practical, transformative teachings, together with the transmission of vast and potent Divine Energies, empower students to achieve immense awareness, precise skill, and rich experiences of peace and joy. Her deep knowing of Eternal Nature, and the Unified state within matter, together with many remembrances of ancient and future healing techniques, allow people to shed baggage gracefully, at an accelerated pace.
In service, Lynette offers the gifts of Divine Light and Energies from multi-dimensional embodiment, together with skillful guidance and gentle transmutation, to support your ability to manifest a happy and fulfilled life as you awaken.
You're invited to view the vast and affordable bouquet of resources offered on the other pages of this site. For each live course listed, there is (or will be at course completion) a recorded set available for purchase through the Store, or through Jackie on the Connect page.
For live ongoing events, see the Menu tabs for details on our four current courses. And be on our monthly newsletter for details.
If you desire affordable and downloadable healing meditations, there are hundreds of past session recordings available.
Dozens of Training recordings are available as multi-part Programs; some are detailed on the pages of this site and Store.
Jackie can assist you with purchasing any of the recordings for programs or courses listed on this site, through the Connect page.
Through the vortex of universal awakening energies that Lynette embodies and transmits, many have experiences of Self-realization and ongoing mystical access, as they train to work with their clients, or for their own private growth.
The people who experience Lynette's work are usually those who devote themselves to long-term inner and outer growth, and spiritual development. From this wisdom base, healers become a sacred space in which others can evolve.
Beginners in meditation or those interested in starting a healing practice also benefit, as the experiential teachings are timeless and this approach meets each person where you are.
If you have a yearning to engage more fully in a peaceful, joyful and productive spiritual life, the harmonizations, tranquility and deep peace arising from the ongoing Tuesday course will serve you well in heightening your felt-sense of freedom, and strengthening your embodiment of pure Spirit.
Details on Weekly page.
Many of the long-term trainings, meditative weekly sessions, and practitioner graduate courses are detailed on the pages of this site. Feel free to browse through them, and feel the underlying focus of all the explorations in Consciousness.
Remember Who You Are...
More details on About page.
Beyond four live courses, most of the full sets of recordings for the regular courses from 2008 to 2024, can be purchased. Course recordings spanning more than 16 years are in the archive vault. Selected topics are in the Store on this site. Jackie can assist with further questions or information;
see the Contact page.
For a regular weekly oasis of Grace, and releasing personal baggage, the ongoing Thursday course is helpful. In a contemplative space, with Divine Energies, you'll gently investigate old issues or thought structures. As you are assisted in clearing your own baggage, you learn how to assist clients vibrationally with the resonance of clear light in these areas.
Details on Weekly page.
Stillness, quietude and rest are enhanced with our weekly or monthly in-home retreats.
Some are open to all; others are offered by invitation to advanced students. Deep relaxation into the Vast Heart of Being is experienced on multiple levels. In-person retreats with Lynette are by invitation, as they require some familiarity with this path, so an initial course is recommended.
Details on Retreats page.
A new long-term training program began in 2023 and is in process during 2024. It is geared towards energy healing professionals and advanced spiritual seekers alike. Self-healing becomes a skillful method to work with clients. Several Alchemical states of Consciousness are taught during this training. For the next year-long program and it's prerequisites, watch your monthly newsletter.
Details on Trainings page.
We have added a new Store feature to the website for ease of purchasing. If you desire affordable and downloadable healing meditations which contain the Illuminated Energies, there are hundreds of past session recordings available. Discounts in the Store are frequently offered in the newsletter, for those who have challenges with finances, as the path of healing and awakening can be supportive.
Jackie is always happy to assist you with purchasing or downloading any of the recordings for programs or courses listed on this site, if you prefer personal contact to Store purchases. At the bottom of each page, scroll down to use the Contact Form and specify the course name, so the office can send you a PayPal invoice. Then you'll receive our link to the online recordings library for that course, and you can download them.
Join the global transformation of awareness on the earth.
Feel free to browse through the wealth of resources available on this site. Sense the light and wisdom in each topic with your own intuition to select which course resonates with your own growth.
You are warmly invited to join our monthly newsletter.
Your information is completely private with us.
Accelerate Your Awakening™, Accelerate Awakening™, Accelerating Awakening™, Awakening Acceleration™, Awakening Accelerator™ and Lie down and Awaken!™ are our established trademarks. First use - 2006.
The site content is for informational and personal growth purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. This work is not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. It complements all other modalities.
Accelerated Awakening℠, Accelerate Your Awakening℠, Accelerate Awakening℠, Accelerating Awakening℠, Awakening Acceleration℠ Awakening Accelerator℠ and Lie down and Awaken!℠ are our established service marks. Thank you for your respect.
No permission of safeguarded Trademark use is granted to others.
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